Eating Right in Restaurants

diverticulitis diet

What to avoid: Anything fried, sesame noodles, fried rice, egg/spring/shrimp rolls, fried dumplings, Kung Pao sauce, peanut sauce, pork/beef/duck, anything tempura, avocado salad, ginger dressing

What to Choose: Fit to be tied shrimp/scallops/lobster/ flounder/chicken all with brown rice, fit to be tied veggies as well as ‘sauce on the side’. You may utilize only 2 Tablespoons of the following: black bean sauce, ginger sauce, lobster sauce, Szechuan sauce, Hunan sauce, brown sauce, garlic sauce, chili sauce, or sesame sauce. Chicken/salmon/scallops/ shrimp teriyaki, lobster, sashimi, sushi, fit to be tied veggies, all with wild rice, miso soup.

What to Avoid: Caesar clothing, fried foods, hollandaise sauce, French french fries, onion rings, coleslaw, salad, macaroni salad, tuna salad, chick salad, shrimp salad, as well as stuffed fish entrees

What to Choose: Broiled seafood, completely dry (no butter), grilled hen, sliced white meat turkey, turkey burger, pork cut or tenderloin, baked potato, fit to be tied veggies, cut salad (no eggs or cheese), egg white omelet with vegetables and also entire wheat toast

What to Avoid: Ceasar salad, baked clams, garlic and also oil, cream sauces, anything fried, sausage, meatballs, baked pasta recipes, cheese-filled pastas, anything parmigiana, garlic bread/knots, all cheeses except parmesan

What to Choose: Baked, broiled, barbequed, roasted, poached, seared, or fit to be tied seafood-all with little or no added butter/oil, sirloin or filet mignon, barbequed poultry bust, pork chop or tenderloin, linguini marinara/fra diavolo/red clam, steamed vegetables, marinara or grandma pizza, pasta primavera in red sauce, barbequed chick primavera in red sauce, steamed shrimp marinara/fra diavolo, fit to be tied calamari marinara, threw garden salad with barbequed chick or shrimp

What to Avoid: Anything fried, hollandaise sauce, creamed vegetables, Ceasar dressing, butter sour lotion, crab cakes, lotion or bisque soups, shrimp scampi, anything crusted, bread stuffing

What to Choose: Sirloin or filet mignon, salmon, tuna, sea bass, steamed lobster or calamari, smoked hen, pork cut or tenderloin, baked potato, fit to be tied vegetables, shrimp alcoholic drink, raw oysters or clams, combined eco-friendly salad (no egg/bacon/croutons/ corn), Manhattan clam chowder